Rev. Townley’s social justice focus, especially in regards to issues of racial equality in the Cleveland area, divides the church with some thinking him too radical. The congregation takes a vote of confidence on whether to retain him, and chooses to do so. Approximately one third (30 of 100 of the church families) of the congregation leaves the congregation. In 1957, the church becomes affiliated with the United Church of Christ denomination and drops its D.O.C. affiliation.
CCC begins worshiping in the current church building, some of which is built by current members. The large brass Church bell from the original Church is hung on a free-standing bell tower in the front of the Church. Throughout the 1960s and 70s, the church is at the forefront of the fight for social justice. Church members march in the Civil Rights March on Washington, hold its first Earth Day Service, march with Cesar Chavez in support of the Farm Workers Movement, and develop a hot-line in the Church library to support young people on “bad trips” or suffering from depression, among many other activities
To manage the growing complexity and increased activities of the church, CCC updates its governance structure. Ministry Teams are created, and rules are set in place for voting and non-voting members of the Council. In 2015, Rev. Jason Bicker-Thompson is called as a half-time minister.
We discern our core values as a church to be “Welcome, Inclusion, Justice, and Peace”. Rev. Jason becomes full time minister. In 2018, we begin our Revitalisation efforts. Vitality workshops help us discern how to grow and thrive as a progressive church in the modern world. This is also the year we celebrate 25 years as an open and affirming church.
Our interim minister, Rev. Carol Vaccariello, joins us. With the COVID pandemic upending everything, we begin online services via Zoom to remain connected. Revitalization efforts continue as we are on a constant journey to adapt to the changing landscape while remaining true to our core values.
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