Meet our Team
Pastor & Director of Music
Rev. Jess Peacock
Jess Peacock (they/them) is a UCC clergy person, professor, and author of the book Such a Dark Thing: Theology Of The Vampire Narrative In Popular Culture. They are the former editor-in-chief of Street Speech, a social justice publication produced by the Columbus Coalition for the Homeless in Ohio, and previously served as UCC clergy in the Pacific Northwest. Their academic distinctions include receiving the Methodist Theological School in Ohio's Ronald L. Williams Book Prize in Theology and Ethics, the Matey Janata Freedwomen Award for their research and work in women's issues, and was an Obenhaus Lecturer at Chicago Theological Seminary where they are currently a PhD candidate. Passionate about social justice issues, Jess is actively involved in various movements around racial justice, LGBTQ+ issues, and abortion rights. A vegan for over fifteen years, they are also focused on animal welfare issues, as well as the connection between industrial agriculture and its detrimental effects on the climate. Jess is an avid biker, horror movie nerd, and wants nothing more than to start a commune of like-minded nerds.
Director of Music & the Arts
7/2022 -Searching to fill this position by September.
Elected Church Officers
At Chesterland UCC, there are five annually elected Church Officers to manage the operations of the Church.
Moderator (Chair of the Board): Connie Becker
Vice Moderator: Dan Craig
Treasurer: Jeff Wilson
Financial Secretary: Megan Carver
Administrative Clerk: Gail Preyss
Meet our Leadership
The Moderator and Vice Moderator have a very important role at CCC. They provide guidance and leadership to the Board of Trustees, organize the work of our four ministry teams, and are instrumental to the overall direction of the Church.
Vice ModeratorDan’s Bio Pending
ModeratorConnie, whose personal motto is “Extravagant Welcome”, is a third generation member of CCC. Through her extensive community involvement she has shown a tireless passion for social justice and the LGBTQA community. Connie brings vision and leadership to the CCC Board of Directors as they explore even more ways members can experience spirituality in service and solidarity with all neighbors.
Council Co-Chairs
The Church Council is the representative governing body of the Church, and is made up of four ministry team Co-Chairs, the Pastoral Relation’s Board, Church Moderator, and Vice Moderator. The Clerk, Treasurer, and Financial Secretary are non-voting ex-officio members of the Church Council.
Faith Proclamation: Tracy Weller
Social Justice & Outreach: Megan Carver
Facility & Building Use: Sandy Pangonis
Pastoral Relations: Nina Gambatese